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Showing posts from August, 2019

August, our battle with grief and memories

Apologies for vanishing once again. But I am sure, you will understand and will need no explanation. I had lost my Mom last year around this time, hence battling loss and memories and slipping into the grief  spiral was a priority this month. And I was not doing this just for myself, was there with my Dad who is slowly recovering from the pain of losing his wife of 54 yrs. I am thankful to relatives, friends and acquaintances who kept calling and had filled our day, leaving not much hollow to sulk and sink. Hence as always I insist family and circle of friends matter. That one small sentence has a healing touch But life goes on...and will. I have cooked and cleaned, smiled and shopped but all on a slower pace.I did not click photos, and thought this period be our own private time. Hope you will understand me So take care and till I come back next munch on the choco chip cookies